Alpha Facilities Group is committed to improving health and safety performance across all aspects of the business with a focus completely eliminating work-related injury and illness. Our Health and Safety Policy is built on the framework and accreditation of OHSAS 18001.
Safety is of paramount importance and we are committed to providing a safe and healthy working for all our staff, clients and the general public.
All our staff undertake site specific inductions and regular training on all our health and safety practices and risk management, ensuring they are equipped to respond to any potential hazards in the workplace.
Alpha Facilities Group is committed to managing the quality of its service to ensure its customer requirements are met at all times and where
possible exceed their expectations by providing an excellent service. Our quality policy is built on the framework and accreditation of AS NZS ISO9001.
Through the quality assurance practice in our paperless live reporting, we are able to manage and implement our practices across all levels of the organisation, increasing efficiency and with the on flowing benefits to all of our anagement, employees and clients. We aim to develop
our service with the highest level of uality, and that is performed through the ongoing training and policies our staff are monitored and regularly audited on.
Alpha Facilities Group is committed to becoming an industry frontrunner in environmental leadership, instilling the highest environmental values in all employees, utilising the best nvironmental practices in all we do and focusing on continually improving our environmental performance and prevention of pollution by understanding and minimising any adverse nvironmental impacts of our operations, whilst ensuring our legal obligations are met at all times. Our Environmental Protection Policy is built and designed on the framework and accreditation of AS NZS ISO 14001.
We have implemented and developed our ‘GREEN CLEANING’ method/practices, which emphasises the use of biodegradable chemicals, which are less harmful on the vironment, and reduces chemical waste. We aim to minimise our carbon footprint and reduce the amount of water we use in our practices and through the careful selection of equipment and machinery which are all part our green initiative approach.
Our IMS Systems achieved CM3 accreditation. CM3 is Australia’s leading online Contractor OHS/WHS Pre- ualification system and is the system of hoice for major corporations across the commercial and retail sectors. CM3 gives organisations the assurance that the contractors they engage have WHS management processes that have been reviewed by leading WHS specialists enabling organisations to have an understanding of contractor’s WHS capability prior to commencement.
Alpha Facilities Group is committed to becoming an industry frontrunner in environmental leadership, instilling the highest environmental values in all.
Alpha adheres to the VicRoads pre-qualification scheme to ensure safe, consistent and credible traffic management practices are
implemented and our people are appropriately qualified with the Code of Practice.
Alpha has achieved status across two levels:
1. Traffic Guide Scheme (TGC) Implementation
2. Traffic Management Plan (TMP) Preparation
Our people are the core to succeeding at delivering our services to our clients. Our business only goes as far as our employees take us, and we put a great
emphasis on training all our staff to exceed industry standards.
As an organisation, all our practices are focused on health and safety, environmental and the values and integrity of our people. We have strict guidelines
and a screening process to select the best possible candidates. We ensure all police checks are current and there are three stages before hiring a potential
candidate. Once an employee has completed the induction process, further training or competency testing may be required, depending on the position
applied for within in the organisation.
All employee training documents are available to clients. Our cleaning employees also have the opportunity to complete training accreditation in Asset
Maintenance (Cleaning Operations) & Management Certificate II, III and Supervisor Certificate IV
We seek to be at the cutting edge of our industry and are constantly pushing technological boundaries to ensure we are providing the best possible service for
our clients.
We have developed and implemented an Integrated Management System (IMS), which is nationally accredited and operated through ISO 9001 standard.
In conjunction with our IMS, we ensure our organisation complies to best practice by offering real time management system through live paperless reporting
All employee training documents are available to clients. Our cleaning employees also have the opportunity to complete training accreditation in Asset
Maintenance (Cleaning Operations) & Management Certificate II, III and Supervisor Certificate IV
Alpha offers a web-based digital reporting system that can be integrated into our client’s systems. The centralisation and storage of all client data, such as quality performance, service requests, complaints and waste data, allows the Alpha reporting system to be comprehensive and informative and our operating systems to be fully transparent.
1300 525 742
[email protected]
8 International Square
Victoria 3043