Our team at Alpha Facilities Group will continue to respond to the impacts of COVID-19 whilst providing a 24/7 service with precautionary measures to help keep our employees, partners and communities safe.
Alpha Facilities Group continues to support the community through the latest commercial Fogging technology which minimises the risk of associated COVID-19 contamination. Whether there is an outbreak or it is mainly preventative it has never been more important for businesses to be vigilant and optimise hygiene in the workplace. Does your business have a plan to protect and minimise health risks with your employees against the coronavirus pandemic?
As the coronavirus continues its spread, Hygiene and prevention measures in the workplace is imperative. Alpha Facilities Group decontamination Fogging disinfects all high touched surfaces in the workplace, such as workstations, countertops, doorknobs, bathrooms and common areas.
Responding to potential infection outbreaks is an important part of infection control to minimise health risk to your business and employees. Utilizing the Fogging and fumigation machine provides immediate and significant reduction of harmful pathogens reaching key areas throughout any facility.
A a general rule it is vital we keep observing and following the below guidelines both in and out of the workplace:
• Wash your hands regularly
• Social distancing
• Cough/sneeze into your elbow
• Avoid contact with others who show symptoms
• Avoid touching your face
• Self-isolate
Please contact Alpha Facilities Group at [email protected] for further information.